LEC offer lowest market price for OMRON, DELTA & FATEK PLC & HMI’s than any other suppliers. Our Automation teams gives our customers best product selection from our various brands according to their cost and machine requirements. LEC provides excellent automation solutions for all Industries with advanced programming solutions and innovative ideas.
Soft Starter & PLC
- Range: 7.5 to 110kW
- Features:
- Built-in Bypass Contactor
- Motor Protections
- Overload
- Single phasing
- Instantaneous overcurrent
- Phase sequence reversal
- Abnormality in supply - Unbalanced current
- Thermistor protection through PTC
- Communication options available
- Applications:Fan & Pumps
- Range: 4.3” to 15” screen in 7 models
- Features:
- Multi-language, Graphics, Extended alarms, Recipe, Data logging, Printing, Password Protection, Trends serial, Ethernet, Fieldbus communication
- Range: 14 - 2560 IOs
- Features:
- Feel Powerful Communication
-Built-in 100 Mbps EtherNet port
-Built-in USB Port & 2 channels high speed serial port - Built-in 4 HSC channels & 6 PTOs
- Large Memory
-987KByte Program memory
-128KByte Data memory - Supports 4GB SD Card memory
- Best solution for network based applications
- Feel Powerful Communication
LX7 / LX7S
- Range: 4.3” to 15” screen in 7 models
- Features:
- Basic control to 28, 48 points & upto 104 I/O points
- Enable 2 expansion unit
- 2 serial ports (2 RS232C/RS485 with Modbus RTU)
- Built-in HSC, Pulse catch, Pulse output (for TR output unit), RTC