LEC offers an extensive portfolio of automation and solutions for your textile machinery with latest technologies and innovative ideas.
LEC Specialized in Textile Automation Sector. We have done various process sector in textile from Blowroom to Carding, Drawing, Simplex, Spinning, Open End, Knitting and Looms.
LEC had done over 500 automations all over India and abroad. We offer all automation solutions with your preferred brand product(Siemens,Crouzet,Omron,Delta, Fatek).
LEC has offer the following solutions
- Blowroom Lines( MPM, Unifloc,CVT etc)
- Trutschler Carding Machines
- Rieter Carding Machines
- LC 100 & 300 Carding Machines
- MEVADA Carding Machines
- China Carding Machines
- Rieter Do 2s, Do 6 Drawframes
- Rieter RSB51, RSB 851 Drawframes
- Padmatex Drawframes
- Simplex Machines
- Comber Machines
- Long Frame's
- Open End Machines (PIV & PLC Automation)
- Knitting Machines
- Weaving Looms